
本科就读于浙江大学,硕士毕业于北京外国语大学和蒙特利尔大学,研究课题为交叉性理论、系统性歧视和少数族裔移民社会融入等。 在中非、中加外交及商务场合多次担任英法双语翻译,为中加双边贸易的企业提供创业投资、市场分析等报告。

江秋雨于麦吉尔大学获得人类学博士学位。她的研究兴趣主要涉及跨国移民,中国都市研究,法律人类学,和城市宗教研究。她的博士论文探讨在广州的非洲商贩群体,包括他们的正式和非正式的法律活动,商业活动的伦理准则,跨国和跨种族的宗教活动。她目前的研究兴趣关注移民意向,尤其是政府与司法系统对来自发展中国家的移民群体的体制上的限制。 她也曾参与和主持其它一些以益民或流动人口为主体的研究项目,比如在坦桑尼亚的中国人群体(2016),在北京的藏族商贩(2005);重庆的棒棒军(2007),西北地区的性工作者(2007-09),等。 通过这些丰富的研究经历,她不仅对移民问题有深入了解,对移民所面临的问题有其独到的见解。

Priyanka Gandhi
Marketing Manager
Priyanka is a graduate student in Quality Systems Engineering with major in Project Management and Supply Chain design at Concordia University and has her undergraduate in Bachelors of Technology in field of Instrumentation and Control majoring in Biomedica from India.
Priyanka has worked in field of Information Technology and Operation Management. She has worked in varying domains ranging from software quality assurance, database administration, product development, digital marketing and sustainability. She has been involved with the the community to work on several socio-cultural issues in India.

Jocelyn Jing Wang
Assistant Coordinator
Jocelyn holds three Master’s degrees: Master of Translation, M.A. in Japanese Studies (with a focus on Social Anthropology) and Master of Human Rights. She has studied in 6 countries and is currently enrolled in the Social Work program at University of Montreal. Her research interests include aging, gender studies, social inclusion for immigrants and disaster-related anthropological studies, especially post 3.11 Japanese studies.
She used to work as a researcher for many academic and business projects and institutions. She is also a professional Japanese-Chinese translator with published works and a language instructor that teaches university-level Japanese courses. Moreover, she has been devoting herself to community service and voluntary work for more than a decade. She believes in “freedom through truth for service” and yearns to apply her knowledge and skills through people-focused and service-oriented practices.

